Most of us are a victim of our own desires. We act according to our minds feelings rather then intellects decisions, which is detrimental, some times fatal. However, quite a few of us believe that we do think, decide and act. But what we fail to realise is that our intellect is reasoning under the influence of the mind, under the strength of the desires. As a result our intellect doesn’t see what it ought to see, it sees only what it wants to see.
Not questioning the very basis of our actions, taking out actions as correct and then trying to find out how to execute them is intellect functioning under the influence of the mind. For example, the primary motives of life such as the search for self-sufficiency, survival, independence, happiness etc., are never questioned. We accept them as correct, appropriate, and natural. Then go all-out to fulfill them. When we follow the dictates of our desires, we get agitated because we are not doing what we ought to do. While if we choose not to follow them, then we get frustrated because there is a powerful desire which is not getting fulfilled. Thus we are either agitated or frustrated in life.
So, we cannot be acting based on the impulses of the mind, nor can we trust our intellect as it could be faulty or charmed by mind. Difficulty is depended by the fact that we would never know if our intellect were to be held hostage by our mind. Then on what basis are we to decide our course of action? Krishna advices in the Bhagavad Gita, “Tasmacchastram Pramanam te Karyakaryavyavyasthitau - Therefore, the scripture be your authority in determining what ought to be done and what ought not to be done”. Shastram is the collection of literature that protects us though its instructions and teachings. It gives us instructions or commandments to be followed when we are not confident about our intellect. At this stage as we will not be able to understand the significance of the message. Hence we should follow the scriptures as though it is correct and we wrong. Follow it whether we find it practical or not, like it or not, understand it or not. Take the shastras as authority because they have no hidden motives. They have no reason to cheat us. The scriptures are objective in nature, and that objectivity will protect us. Surrender to the wise counsel of the scriptures till we gain that internal objectivity. Objectivity is the capacity to operate beyond the influence of the desires and processing the primary motives of life through questioning, analyzing and understanding. Objectivity is the result of strong Intellect.
As we grow, gradually we need to replace the commandments with the systematic study and independent reflection on the truths propounded in the scriptures. Assimilate and absorb the knowledge therein. The intellects strength and clarity increases. We become objective form within.
Thus, the scriptures help us by protecting us when we are not matured through its percepts and help to strengthen our Intellect through its teachings. Therefore, follow and study the scriptures.